Faithful Witness

Pastor Justin Krupsky   -  
Jesus’ words to the disciples to go to all nations with the Gospel culminate in Acts with the start of the church in Rome. What happened in the early church is incredible. I will also say this is happening in the people of God today: His church now is also incredible.
Your life and my life matter because He is still acting through us. What new kingdom path is God leading you down?
Boldness is a great way to describe the book of Acts and boldness is a great word that I hope describes you and me. It is not obnoxious, but bold, which means “courageous.” Courage is staying faithful through the fear. Boldness that comes from the Gospel: our God lives. He rose from the dead! He is risen! Boldness that moves through fear and past failure, filled with the hope of life. A bold life that God has created us to live out one moment at a time, one day a time. A bold life full of meaning and purpose as we love our neighbors through actions and words, words that give life, words spoken when we pray over people, and words spoken when we share the good news of Jesus.
These are bold words. We are not separated from God. Jesus reconciled us through His death on the cross. God is with us! There are still so many people, neighbors, co-workers, and family members that do not have the hope that you and I have. They have walked away from faith in Jesus, are barely hanging on to it, or perhaps have never heard it. God wants to use you and me to give the world the new beginning that comes every moment of every day through Jesus. The Acts of the Holy Spirit have not stopped, they have only begun. May you be a faithful witness.