Our goal is to create a caring community between the school and families to benefit all the students of Trinity.

Parents and Teachers Teaming Together for our School


The purpose of the Parent Teacher League (PTL) is to support the staff of Trinity, as well as the families of our school. Our goal is to create a caring community between the school and families to benefit all the students of Trinity. We are here to share Christ’s story with love, through building a community rooted in relationships and centered on a Christian education.


Dina Ranieri, Head Chairperson

Angela Haffey, Secretary

Katey Petrilli, Treasurer


The purpose of the Parent Teacher League (PTL) is to provide opportunities for the staff, students, and parents to come together as a Trinity Family, and to show support and appreciation of the amazing staff at Trinity.


For any additional information regarding PTL events, ideas, or volunteer opportunities please join our group on facebook: TRINITY UTICA PTL

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