Social Ministry Volunteer Opportunities

Being the Hands and Feet of Jesus

Alive in Missions (AIM): Mission Trips & Support Volunteers

Our missions teams are  building and maintaining partnerships in Haiti, Mexicali and Northern Canada. During the course of the year, please look for our short term mission efforts for each of these partnerships and fundraising opportunities for their initiatives.


Let Your Light Shine – Social Outreach & Fundraising Volunteer Opportunities

Social Ministry and Outreach has many human care opportunities that take place sporadically or on an annual basis. This includes Fundraiser Events, Annual Community outreach opportunities, and events that we are approached to assist with on a one-time or occasional basis. If you are interested in any of these specific ideas, please complete registration for more information and communication regarding upcoming planning pertaining to each event or organization.


Food Ministry Volunteer Sign Up (SSS, Food Pantry, Delivering Disciples & More)

Sign up here to assist with the following:


Jenny Jaroneski

Social Ministry Associate

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