Christ Caring For People Through People at Trinity Utica, MI

Pastor Chad Wright   -  

“I am fine.” Perhaps this phrase is the most used phrase when someone is going through a crisis. It also is deceptive. When we go through the unexpected loss of a job, a relationship, or a loved one, we are definitely not fine. Telling ourselves that we are fine over and over again is not being honest with ourselves about how we are dealing with the loss. The phrase also becomes a barrier keeping others out, even genuine, caring people who are willing to offer support and encouragement. As followers of Christ, we are called to care. As the Apostle Paul wrote, “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2, NIV)

Stephen Ministers are trained to care for people and walk with them through a time of loss or crisis. Stephen Ministry is appropriate for people experiencing:

  • grief
  • divorce
  • cancer
  • hospitalization
  • physical rehabilitation
  • long-term care
  • chronic illness
  • terminal illness
  • job loss
  • loss of a home
  • military deployment
  • the onset of a disability
  • spiritual crisis
  • many other life struggles

The logo Stephen Ministry congregations use consists of a cross and circle, together with a broken person and a whole person. The broken person stands behind the cross, symbolizing the brokenness in our lives. The whole person stands in front of the cross because it is through the cross of Jesus that we again are made whole. The circle symbolizes both the wholeness we receive through Christ and God’s unending love for us.

As a Stephen Ministry congregation, Trinity now has Stephen Ministers ready to offer Christ-centered, one-to-one lay ministry to support people going through loss or a crisis. If you or someone you know could benefit from the support of a Stephen Minister, please let me know.

See you next time, here at the corner of faith and mental health.

Your servant in Christ,

Pastor Chad Wright