[RE]FOCUS Day 30

Dawn Harris   -  

Week 5: Revealing

Day 2: I Am the Living Water

By Dawn Harris


John 4:12-14 Are you greater than our father Jacob? He gave us the well and drank from it himself, as did his sons and his livestock.” Jesus said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

When we were given a list of choices for writing a devotion, I quickly found these verses and immediately asked to write on “Jesus as Living Water.” About thirteen years ago, my husband decided he no longer wanted to be married to me. It was the most devastating thing that had ever happened to me. I was embarrassed, hurt, and humiliated. Many of my friends did not know how to treat me and some did not know how to continue to maintain a friendship with a single mother of three children. It is a time in my life where I was often on the ground literally crying out to God. I wanted to know why He would allow this to happen to me. I had always tried to put God first and felt betrayed by Him. 

Thankfully, God never gave up on me. Through the frustration and tears, I leaned into prayer and God’s Word. I realized that I had relied on other types of “water” for my happiness and future. I had tried to fill my vessel with so many things that I thought were godly, but were only for show and to make myself look good. The divorce brought me to my knees to really search out what God wanted for my life. Those terrible days brought me closer to God than I had ever been, and I remembered the promise of Jesus. He is the Living Water and I will never thirst as He fills me.  I had wanted earthly things and earthly happiness. God had taken this devastating time in my life and helped me to refocus on heavenly things and the happiness I have through Christ. The happiness that will one day lead to the ultimate gift of everlasting joy in heaven.


Jesus, when I get wrapped up in the blessings and curses, refocus my soul on You.  You bring waters of life, Your restore my soul, You reveal that what I need for contentment is You.  Thank You for revealing Your love for me.  Continue to daily refocus my soul, and overflow this love from You through me to others. Amen.


“God never gave up on me.” Jesus never gave up on the Samaritan woman at the well, He never gives up on you.  How does your soul need to be restored today?  What is Jesus revealing to you to do just that?