[RE]FOCUS Day 26

Donna Angott   -  

Week 4: Renewing
Day 5: Through the Eyes of a Child
By Donna Angott

I can’t say in words how special God’s children are to me. After teaching and being in the ministry for over 37 years, I am still learning from all of God’s children. As the saying goes, “Out of the mouth of babes.” Here is my story and I hope and pray that you can learn from these children. It was the end of the school year. One of my students asked the question, “How do you get Jesus in your heart?”

Before I could speak, another child blurted out, “First you must believe the story about Jesus and that it is true and really happened.” I shook my head and said, “Yes, this is true. You must believe in Jesus and what he says is true.” Another child spoke up and said, “Remember how Mrs. Angott said that Jesus was born on Christmas Eve and how excited those angels were? They were singing “Gloria” to the shepherds.” Another child screamed out, “Remember that big, bright star over the barn?” Now, I am overwhelmed with joy that the children are so excited. Then a precious little boy sitting in the back of the room said, “Remember that time when Mrs. Angott was reading that one book and she had tears in her eyes?” Right away, I said, “You noticed that? Yes, I was sad because the people were spitting on Jesus and making fun of him. Every time I read that book; it makes me very sad. Jesus died on the cross to save us from our…….”. The kids yelled out “SINS”.  Soon another child explained that her favorite part was when Jesus surprised everyone and popped right out of that grave. These kids sure know how to tell a story and make me smile. “So”, I said, “Let’s get back to the question, “How do we get Jesus in our heart?” The child that asked the question said, “It is easy, just believe in Jesus and this will make your heart the happiest heart in town. That’s how you get a Jesus heart.” This story will always be tucked away in my own happy heart forever.

As Jesus said In Mark 10 :14-16, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them. For the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” He took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them.


Dear Jesus, help us to have faith like a child. It is so very simple and easy to believe and trust in you. Guide and protect us from every evil. Remind us that you are our true leader. If you are in our hearts, we have all we need. Amen.

How do children receive gifts?  How does this image help us grasp how God gives us faith?