[RE]FOCUS Day 22

Trinityutica   -  

Week 4: Renewing

Day 1: Love For The World

By Pastor Chris Troxel



John 3:16: “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.

In 24 words, John writes what all of God’s Word reveals: God’s love and His purpose.  This is not a love with strings attached; this is unbridled unfiltered best life-changing love for all of humanity, all of creation.  It’s love that frees from systems, labels, and expectations. Love of this caliber is as dangerous as it is freeing.  The freeing nature of God’s love is comforting, consoling, healing, invigorating, inspiring.  What makes it dangerous is God putting it in the hands of people.  Humans, like you and me, who will continue to struggle and fall from temptation into sin in this life.  “Who will save me from this body of death?” (Romans 7:24).

The Father sends the Son knowing we will still fall prey to sin, knowing some will reject His indescribable generous grace.  The Father, the Son, and the Spirit don’t sugar-coat sin either.  God calls it exactly what it is: sin.  As He teaches us what to call sin, He teaches us about grace and its depth.  Why would God do that?  His love for you, for the world, so that sin is not the whole story, nor even the end.  God’s love is for the world “so that no one would die but have eternal life.”  Sin is a detail, a damning one, but a detail addressed by the Son on the cross and the empty tomb.  Jesus reveals this to an expert teacher in these words who was having a hard time understanding them.  This is what John recorded for believers to learn and believe so that they would be renewed by this love that is dangerous, potent, liberating, and yours.  


Holy Spirit, touch hearts through Your word.  Renew our minds, hearts, and bodies to be filled not with sin or despair, but with faith, hope, and love.  Your grace, Your power, Your work is making us whole.  Work through us to make others whole, to carry out Your mission in the world through us. Amen.


What are some ways we abuse or neglect the love of God?  What does God say to that?