[RE]FOCUS Day 12

Pastor Chad Wright   -  

Week 2: Reflecting

Day 5: Lamb of God

By Pastor Chad Wright



Scripture: Acts 8:34–35 (ESV) – And the eunuch said to Philip, “About whom, I ask you, does the prophet say this, about himself or about someone else?” Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning with this Scripture he told him the good news about Jesus.

Has anyone ever asked you to explain something in Scripture? If so, how do you think you did? If not, do you feel comfortable enough with Scripture to be able to explain it? When I was a college junior, I spent my spring break with three other colleagues helping a mission church in Brandon, Florida. It was a fun experience, canvassing the neighborhoods and inviting people to come visit the church. There were a few people that asked questions. I also had one interaction with a Jehovah’s Witness who brought out her version of the Bible. Through training at college about world religions, I had recently studied about their beliefs and their Bible, so I was able to raise questions about her salvation and point to her passages that showed Jesus was God and Man. Two hours had passed and it didn’t even seem that long. 

I imagine it must have been similar for Philip. The Holy Spirit told him to run alongside the chariot of an Ethiopian, a eunuch who served as a court official of Candace, the queen of the Ethiopians. He had come to Jerusalem to worship, most likely one of the three big festivals. Now he was returning to Ethiopia, seated in his chariot, reading the prophet Isaiah. He asked if the man understood what he was reading and was invited into the chariot. Philip started with the Scripture about the Lamb of God and told him the good news about Jesus. Imagine celebrating the Passover and eating the Passover lamb. In truth, it is one of the most powerful prophetic types which God used in the religious life of His people. A lamb without blemish or defect dying for the children of Israel. Saved by it’s blood on the doorposts from the angel of death which afflicted the Egyptians. It’s death led to their freedom. Jesus came as fulfillment, declared by John the Baptizer who proclaimed about Jesus: “Look! The Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world” (John 1:29). This Lamb of God delivered us from our sins, death, hell, and the power of our enemy, Satan. We are free. 



O Christ, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on me. Forgive my sins and fill me with Your Holy Spirit. Help me to love reading Your Word and seeing the many ways You reveal Yourself to me. Amen.



How does the profound sacrifice of Jesus become something we take for granted?  How does reflecting on the Lamb renew your awe for Him?