Why Do We Do Social Ministry?

Jenny Jaroneski   -  

By: Jenny Jaroneski, Social Ministry Associate

Social Ministry has been one of the fastest growing parts of our congregation in the past twenty years. With the support of our congregation we have been able to expand above and beyond whatever might have been imagined. We have an amazing opportunity to continue to grow and do ministry here in our community, as well as abroad. But why do we do it? Why should we do more of it?

The easy answer as to why we serve others is: “Because the Bible tells us to.” There are countless verses that talk to us about serving our neighbors and showing them love. And honestly… it’s is a great answer! Following scripture is a HUGE part of living our faith!

But for some reason I always wonder, “but why? Why does God want us to serve others? They might not even believe in him!” And there you have it; the moment where I thump myself on the forehead and say “DUH!” It’s so silly how my sinful mind can lead me in the wrong direction so quickly before the Holy Spirit snaps me out of it!

Trinity’s Mission Statement sums up pretty well the WHY behind Social Ministry.

“Go and make disciples who share Christ’s story with love.”

I realize the people we serve might not know God. Or maybe they do… but they also struggle with having the opportunity to connect with God based on their current circumstance. Maybe they’ve lost sight of God in the midst of the struggles they are experiencing.

It is up to us as followers of Jesus Christ to do just what our mission statement says: To go and share Christ’s story with love. It is up to us to find those people who need to hear that story the most. It is up to us to LOVE others. We “do” social ministry… because we have found a group of those people and we have the opportunity to share Christ’s story with them.

Matthew 28: 19-20

19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

This is just a small part of the answer to why we “do” social ministry. But I know that God uses the littlest of things to make the biggest difference.